Gillnet test fishing and radiocaesium (Cs-137) of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus aplinus) 2008 and 2009 from 20 Central Scandinavian lakes: Occurrences

Latest version published by Norwegian University of Science and Technology on Aug 20, 2019 Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Publication date:
20 August 2019
CC-BY 4.0

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Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) were sampled in 20 lakes located along an altitudinal gradient (36 - 850 m.a.s.l.) in central Scandinavia. 10 of these lakes where trout only populations (allopatric) and in 10 trout and char co-existed. In addition, Three spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) and European eel (Anguilla Anguilla L) co-occurs in most lakes below the marine transgression line. However, these species where not collected using the present gill-net series. Also, two of the lakes (Slipstikken and Grisbakktjørna) had a scares population of burbot (Lota lota L.) (catch of burbot not recorded). The sympatric lakes, with the exception of Kjerråtjønnin were sampled three times (spring 2008 – autumn 2008 – spring 2009), and the allopatric lakes were sampled two times (autumn 2008 – spring 2009). Autumn samples were collected just before ice formation and spring samples in 2008 somewhat after and 2009 just after ice breakup. At each sampling period fish were sampled with bottom gill nets (1.5 m x 25 m) with bar mesh sizes of 12.5 – 16 – 19.5 - 24 – 29 – 35 mm. Three and three nets were linked together making chains with alternating mesh sizes in order to represent all mesh sizes at different depths in each lake at each sampling period. Depths were measured at the start and end of each net. The gillnet chains were set perpendicular to the shore in the evening and hauled the next morning. The fish were frozen in plastic bags and stored at -25 °C. In the laboratory, wet mass (precision 0.1 g), fork length (precision 1 mm), sex, parasite load and maturation stage (Dahl 1917) were determined. Scale (trout) and otolith (char) samples were taken and used for age determination. In a subsample of the fish the contents of the oesophagus and the stomach were identified to various taxonomic levels and grouped into seven categories: surface insects, chironomidae, mollusca, benthic insects, benthic crustaceans, zooplankton and fish. Stomach contents and each individual fish were dried, and homogenized before quantifying 137Cs by gamma counting the samples in an integral, well-type, NaI-scintillation detector (LKBWallac Compugamma). Due to current restrictions with the DwC-A format, data and associated measurements on individual fish ((this dataset) is published separately from gill-net events and associated measurements. This dataset gives occurrence part of the dataset. Data on gill-net sampling, effort and temperature recordings are given in a separate dataset ("Gillnet test fishing and radiocaesium (Cs-137) of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus aplinus) 2008 and 2009 from 20 Central Scandinavian lakes: Events" (UUID: a6cc334b-036a-43d0-ae68-3f84a08e8d97, Alternative Identifier:

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 5,701 records.

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Occurrence (core)

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Finstad A G, Berg O K, Ulvan E, Helland I, Ugedal O (2019): Gillnet test fishing and radiocaesium (Cs-137) of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus aplinus) 2008 and 2009 from 20 Central Scandinavian lakes: Occurrences. v1.3. NTNU University Museum. Dataset/Occurrence.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Norwegian University of Science and Technology. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 28c6444b-d35e-4863-a342-820a82ba63b7.  Norwegian University of Science and Technology publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Norway.


gill-net; radioccaesium; freswhater; lakes; fish; Metadata


Anders Gravbrøt Finstad
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • User
  • Point Of Contact
Associate Professor
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Natural History
Ole Kristian Berg
  • Originator
Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology, Department of Biology
Eva Ulvan
  • Originator
Research Tecnician
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Ingeborg Helland
  • Originator
Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Ola Ugedal
  • Originator
Senior Researcher
Norwegian Institute for Nature Resarch

Geographic Coverage

Central Scandinavia in a climate gradient from coast to inland.

Bounding Coordinates South West [63.22, 9.33], North East [64.94, 14.75]

Taxonomic Coverage

Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)identified to species.

Species Salvelinus alpinus (Arctic char), Salmo trutta (brown trout)

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2008-07-01 / 2009-06-30

Sampling Methods

At each sampling period fish were sampled with bottom gill nets (1.5 m x 25 m) with bar mesh sizes of 12.5 – 16 – 19.5 - 24 – 29 – 35 mm (Ugedal gill-net series). Three and three nets were linked together with the order of mesh sizes randomized once. Each event represent a single gill-net, with parent event referring to the gill-net chain (Ugedal series). Depths were measured at the start and end of each net. The net where set in the evening and pulled the next morning (exact time not recorded). The eventDate field represent the day of pulling the nets (i.e. the day of the sampling of the fish).

Study Extent Lakes where sampled two or three times (spring 2008 – autumn 2008 – spring 2009. Autumn samples were collected just before ice formation and spring samples in 2008 somewhat after and 2009 just after ice breakup.

Method step description:

  1. Data where entered on paper forms in field or in lab, and punched on Microsoft xl spreadsheets. Manual control of the entered data where undertaken subsequently.

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers 28c6444b-d35e-4863-a342-820a82ba63b7